Thursday, September 2, 2010

Are u a virgin?

Is what someone asked me on my recent trip to Mumbai. Well you see the problem here is that I am a 25 year old woman (though I prefer to call myself a girl still ;) ) and the girl who asked me this is a 12 year old pre-teen.
So what do you reply in such a situation? What is the first thing that comes to your mind? "Excuse Me!!!" is what came to my mine.

No doubt my virginity is not anybody's concern and its a private matter but what surprised me most was the fact it was being asked by a little girl (she obviously thinks she isn't little anymore) and that too very nonchalantly! Well yes ours is a society which claims to be in progress on full throttle but hullooooo isn't there a limit.
Ofcourse it isn't my prerogative to admonish her or even judge her... but to say the least I was plain SHOCKED!

No no, this isn't a blog about morals or values or sanskriti or traditions or anything remotely related. What this is about is a thought that has been nagging me ever since. Have we been left behind? Has there already been a generation gap created?

Any little fights or arguments I have had with my mom, I have very proudly attributed it to GENERATION GAP. I always felt that I am from today's generation; modern, forward thinking, progressive and all that crap that's thrown at us by the "older generation" when we do something out of the ordinary. But now it seems another gap has been created, which takes generation gap to new heights! Lol.
Now my thoughts are all over the place! "What!"... "Am i old already?"... "God! Do I come across as ancient to the teens"... "Where was I when the wind of change breezed through my city?"...

Aren't these genartion gaps getting created with very high frequency? Shouldn't there be a law restricting the number of generation gaps to 2 or max 3?? All the nonsense about a person is young in his mind goes out of the window now! I always felt young, always felt that I kept up with today's times and all that but hullo just one question asked innocently uncorked a volley of emotions in me. I have indeed been "generation gapped".